For Companies

  • The company shall follow the guidelines under the web portal ( ) for the selection of interns.
  • The company must pay attention to give complete details required for the interns in the website (Profile, location, stipend, skill required, working hours etc) while registering to the ignite web portal.
  • The company shall provide a minimum monthly stipend amounted Rs. 10,000/- to an intern. Rs. 5000/- per month of the prescribed stipend, paid by the company, is reimbursed by Government of Kerala to be administered via respective IT Parks.
  • The company must raise a single invoice at the end of 6 months for each intern, to claim the amount guaranteed by the Government of Kerala.
  • The company may upload a copy of letter of engagement/agreement with intern in the IGNITE Internship web portal.
  • The Company can use the applicants' data that received through ignite web portal for internship purpose only. Any attempt to send any other communication (promotional content for example) to the applicants or any other usage of the data is strictly prohibited.
  • The company shall bound to ensure the safety and security of the interns at workplace.
  • The recruiting company is strictly prohibited from transferring/selling/sharing applicants' data, for free or for a fee, to any other entity. Any such attempt would result in companies account being permanently blocked and would be liable for legal action against the company and their organization.
  • All the communications of company with applicants (through Ignite web portal or otherwise) are professional and must not contain any obscene or offensive content.


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